The World’s Most Haunted (Apparently) Places

We have all sat in a dark house by ourselves, heard a creak or a bump, and wondered if we were indeed alone. It is only natural to begin to wonder if there may be something else inhabiting the house with you and when you are in one of the places listed here, that something else may be a ghost. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, there have been plenty of skeptics who have entered these places as unbelievers and come out believing in spirits and ghosts.
So, what places are the most haunted? What places not only have an interesting history, but some previous inhabitants who do not want to leave? Let’s find out!

1. The Catacombs of Paris

When you take thousands of skeletons and put them down together in an area that just happens to be in an underground catacomb, well, you are just bound to get some ghostly happenings.
Years ago, as the city of Paris grew; the need to relocate graveyards to accommodate the growing city began to become dire. To help deal with overcrowding in cemeteries and the unbearable conditions for locals around cemeteries, city engineers began to move the bones of the deceased down to the catacombs in 1786.
These days, the catacombs are one of the most famous attractions in Paris and each year millions come to the catacombs to tour the realm of the dead. Many of the individuals who walk through the catacombs have given accounts of seeing ghostly apparitions following in silence behind the tour group. Photos have been taken that show orbs and mists and several tours have had to be cut short as a growing sense of unease made it impossible for anyone in the group to remain in the catacombs

2. Leap Castle, Ireland

This 14th century castle is one of the most haunted in Europe according to some paranormal researchers. The castle features a dungeon that was discovered in 1900 by workers, which was filled with skeletons piled on top of each other. It is believed that prisoners were pushed into a drop floor into the dungeon. Not surprisingly, the castle has been called the Bloody Chapel, although not for the above reason. Legend has it that a warrior killed his brother at the altar of the chapel in the castle. One common ghost that people describe seeing is the ghostly image of a priest walking into and out of the chapel.

3. The Whaley House, San Diego

Located in San Diego, the Whaley House is one of only two certified haunted houses in California. It is also considered to be one of the most haunted homes in the entire United States, but in its past it has served as the first theater in San Diego, the courthouse for the county and even a general store. Built in 1856, the building would take a sad turn in 1885 when Violet Whaley, daughter of Thomas and Anna Whaley, committed suicide. After her suicide, her family left the house and the disturbing paranormal occurrences began. The property that the home sits on has also had a tragic history, including several hangings including that of Yankee Jim, who was hanged on the property in 1852 after stealing a boat. Due to his height, his neck did not snap when he fell and he slowly strangled to death. Many visitors to the home have said they can hear Yankee Jim walking up the stairs in heavy boots, where he apparently stops. Some witnesses say that this apparition may actually be Thomas Whaley, who may have returned to the home he once loved.
Visitors to the home often feel cold spots, smell cigar smoke even though no one is smoking a cigar and see Violet in her bedroom, which is one of the most haunted rooms in the home.
Lights have been seen, perfume can be smelt in empty rooms and the house often makes creaking sounds as though someone is walking around on the top floor.
The haunting is not just limited to humans either. It is said Dolly, the Whaley’s dog, continues to inhabit the property that she once called home almost 150 years ago.

4. The Tower of London, London

The Tower of London has existed in one form or another (various improvements have been made) for the past 1,000 years. Through its history, it has housed some of the most famous prisoners in history and been the site of great sorrow. It is only natural to think that there may be some tortured souls who continue to inhabit The Tower that served as their final resting place.
The Tower of London has been the site of dozens of ghost sightings over the years. One story that is often retold by those who work at The Tower occurred on February 12, 1957 at 3 a.m. It was on this day that a guard heard something hit his guardhouse. When he went outside, he saw a white figure standing on top of The Tower. He believed that it was Lady Jane Grey, who was beheaded at The Tower on February 12, 1554. Anne Boleyn, one of the wives of Henry VIII, was beheaded in The Tower in 1536 and her ghost has been seen several times in The Tower, carrying her head. Other famous ghosts seen in The Tower are apparently King Henry VI, Thomas Becket and Sir Walter Raleigh.
Random cold spots, the sound of footsteps in empty hallways and more have occurred within the walls of The Tower, making it one of the most haunted places in the world.

5. The Rose Hall Great House, Jamaica

Located in Montego Bay, the Rose Hall house is the most famous building in Jamaica by many accounts. Built in the style of a Georgian Mansion in the 1770s, it is a beautiful place that has a very disturbing and, some would say, evil history to it.
Rose Hall would not be as famous as it is if it was not for Annie Palmer, who moved into the home in 1820. A beautiful woman, Palmer allegedly practiced black magic in the home, in between killing three husbands. Apparently Annie Palmer killed her first husband through poisoning him, before marrying again and killing her second husband by stabbing him and pouring boiling oil into his ears. Once more she married, and once more she killed a husband, this time by strangling him.
Annie Palmer was not just well-known in Jamaica for her beauty and the death of her husbands; she apparently had many lovers, some of whom were slaves. When she became bored with her lovers, she would have them killed by other slaves, who themselves would be killed.
Annie Palmer finally pushed those around her too far and was killed in her bed. Now called the White Witch of Rose Hall, she has been sighted all around the house by many visitors. Being pushed by an unseen force, cold spots, odd noises and even glimpses of the ghost of Annie Palmer have all been described by visitors.
Author: Craig Baird — Copyrighted ©

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